The writer within!

What’s a secret skill or ability you have or wish you had?

Sometimes, we know a person, yet an inherent part of their persona remains hidden to our knowledge. When it is subsequently revealed, we start seeing them in different light.

Suppose you know a reticent person, then one day learn that he or she is a very good singer or dancer or having any special skill. The unssuming one suddenly becomes fascinating, awesome!

As far as my skills are concerned, most of the people of my acquaintance do not know that I write blogs. Few people who know or happen to read my blog are just plain indifferent.

I am quite contented that I can connect with my blogger friends through WordPress. It gives a great satisfaction to me when you read, like them, and leave a comment.

Right from my adolescent days, a hidden wish  lying unattended in the corner of my heart is to become a published writer. I’m quite aware of the fact that it requires a lot of rigorous hard work, patience, and perseverance on my part.

Writing and connecting with you gives me a lot of happiness. So, for now, touching the publish button in Jetpack is enough to pacify the writing urge within me.

I would very much like to know your feedback. Feel elated whenever you care to drop one!

Published by MousumiSays

An ardent crusader to make the world a better and safer place to live in. Likes to remind the mankind their basic instinct of resilience in the face of adversity.

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