
Taking up the commands!

What gives you direction in life? Either you run the day or the day runs you. — Jim Rohn The above quote has literally given directions to my life several times. It’s really very important that we should take control of our lives and lead it on our own terms. Otherwise, we would be compelled…

Taming the Wild Horse

Do you have a quote you live your life by or think of often? Either you run the day or the day runs you.  – Jim Rohn  Life is like a wild horse. Either you tame it as you wish, or it will stroll around aimlessly or run haywire. It’s imperative that you put on a bridle over it…

Sharing and Caring

What topics do you like to discuss? Caring just a little about our loved ones and making them feel special by small gestures on our part make life beautiful. A little effort to share all the happiness and trouble one might be facing at the time does wonders if we pause to care. Looking at…

Playing straight cut

Describe one positive change you have made in your life. In each and every step of your life, somebody out there would intend to take advantage of you. If you are mellow and compliant in nature, then there is every chance that you will feel used as I previously did. I have learned the lesson…

A Sense of Belonging

How would you improve your community? From the beginning of life, evolution is the inherent nature of living beings. The theory of natural selection emphasizes that the ones who have a better ability to fight and skills to struggle for existence have a better chance of survival. As for living in a community, the skills…

Adapting in the New World

How have you adapted to the changes brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic? When I looked through the window during the early stages of the pandemic, a deserted road, an eerie silence used to feel me up with acute desolation and terror. A fear of invisible but living ghost particles lurking all around. What a…

To be worthwhile

What’s something most people don’t understand? In this materialistic world, most people are all busy working hard and earning more. Money and physical comfort are very important. But if we go on worrying to have more, then when shall we learn to be happy with whatever we have? If we are contented, it will bring…

Road to the Destination

How has technology changed your job? When a layman or rather a lay woman is asked to sit in a cockpit and fly the plain, what would be the consequence? Certainly not very hard to imagine! Handling computer technology is not very different to me than flying a plane! When I took the job of…

The writer within!

What’s a secret skill or ability you have or wish you had? Sometimes, we know a person, yet an inherent part of their persona remains hidden to our knowledge. When it is subsequently revealed, we start seeing them in different light. Suppose you know a reticent person, then one day learn that he or she…

The Beacon of Light

Who was your most influential teacher? Why? In this era where the so-called social media influencers are increasingly directing our lifestyle, it has become imperative to keep our counsel to our own self. Instead of getting swayed  by the  people, looking to further their own selfish agenda, we must look for the real teachers. The…


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