Playing straight cut

Describe one positive change you have made in your life. In each and every step of your life, somebody out there would intend to take advantage of you. If you are mellow and compliant in nature, then there is every chance that you will feel used as I previously did. I have learned the lessonContinue reading “Playing straight cut”

A Sense of Belonging

How would you improve your community? From the beginning of life, evolution is the inherent nature of living beings. The theory of natural selection emphasizes that the ones who have a better ability to fight and skills to struggle for existence have a better chance of survival. As for living in a community, the skillsContinue reading “A Sense of Belonging”

Adapting in the New World

How have you adapted to the changes brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic? When I looked through the window during the early stages of the pandemic, a deserted road, an eerie silence used to feel me up with acute desolation and terror. A fear of invisible but living ghost particles lurking all around. What aContinue reading “Adapting in the New World”

Road to the Destination

How has technology changed your job? When a layman or rather a lay woman is asked to sit in a cockpit and fly the plain, what would be the consequence? Certainly not very hard to imagine! Handling computer technology is not very different to me than flying a plane! When I took the job ofContinue reading “Road to the Destination”

The Beacon of Light

Who was your most influential teacher? Why? In this era where the so-called social media influencers are increasingly directing our lifestyle, it has become imperative to keep our counsel to our own self. Instead of getting swayed  by the  people, looking to further their own selfish agenda, we must look for the real teachers. TheContinue reading “The Beacon of Light”

Deliberations on the To Do List

What do you wish you could do more every day? Life is a priceless gift bestowed to us. Have to do whatever we want to do in the limited span accorded to us by God, the Almighty. Keeping something to be done in the future when we get enough leisure might deprive us of the joyContinue reading “Deliberations on the To Do List”

The righteous lady

Who is the most confident person you know? Sometimes, you make an opinion of somebody, then afterward come to realize that you were wrong and hasty in your judgment. A few posts ago, I told you about a lady who talked and talked some more. Due to her talkative instinct, I had in the pastContinue reading “The righteous lady”

The call of a mother in distress

Are you superstitious? Sometimes, things happen, and there is no plausible explanation regarding how? The incident took place in a remote corner of Bihar, where my elder brother in law was posted as a banker. He had to lead a bachelor’s life during the weekdays, working and spending the night in a one room establishmentContinue reading “The call of a mother in distress”

To The Dear Old Lady

Write a letter to your 100-year-old self. Hope this letter finds you hale and hearty with all of your loved ones. Do you keep on blogging or not? I know you can’t dance, but are you planning to dance at your great-grandchildren’s weddings?I wish you were fit and agile enough to undertake the feat! I’mContinue reading “To The Dear Old Lady”

Averting a saree disaster!

What is the last thing you learned? The latest thing I learned is to keep my self-confidence intact at the time of a crunch period. If we manage to remain confident and continue believing in our own abilities, half of the battle is won before it is formally commenced. A few days ago, I suddenlyContinue reading “Averting a saree disaster!”

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