Sharing and Caring

What topics do you like to discuss? Caring just a little about our loved ones and making them feel special by small gestures on our part make life beautiful. A little effort to share all the happiness and trouble one might be facing at the time does wonders if we pause to care. Looking atContinue reading “Sharing and Caring”

The Beacon of Light

Who was your most influential teacher? Why? In this era where the so-called social media influencers are increasingly directing our lifestyle, it has become imperative to keep our counsel to our own self. Instead of getting swayed  by the  people, looking to further their own selfish agenda, we must look for the real teachers. TheContinue reading “The Beacon of Light”

The elusive spectacles

Have you lost or misplaced something at your home or office? The confusion and agitation it entails stump out some. Their impatience seem to allow no respite to the people around them until and unless it’s restored to them by any means. The one of this kind was my late father in law. He wasContinue reading “The elusive spectacles”

To The Dear Old Lady

Write a letter to your 100-year-old self. Hope this letter finds you hale and hearty with all of your loved ones. Do you keep on blogging or not? I know you can’t dance, but are you planning to dance at your great-grandchildren’s weddings?I wish you were fit and agile enough to undertake the feat! I’mContinue reading “To The Dear Old Lady”

The Ones Who Care.

Who are your favorite people to be around? People around whom I feel safe and relaxed are my favorite. It doesn’t require to spend the time, holding hands or exchanging sweet nothing, only the warmth of the presence of your dear ones is sufficient to keep you happy and contented. They are none other thanContinue reading “The Ones Who Care.”

The Harbinger of Spring

Cover Art: of Goddess Saraswati by Riya Mukherjee Today, on the eve of Basant Panchami, in which we celebrate the arrival of spring and worship Goddess Saraswati, the deity of knowledge and music. A prayer chant to Her- Asato ma sadgamaya, tamaso ma jyotirgamaya, mrityorma amritam gamaya. Om shanti. It means – O mother! LeadContinue reading “The Harbinger of Spring”

The Trial and the Miracle

What is the greatest gift someone could give you? Sometimes you receive a gift you just can’t put a price upon. As a matter of fact for parents, children are the greatest gift of God. In my case it’s something more than that. To tell you the truth I got married when I was justContinue reading “The Trial and the Miracle”

The Favorite Abode

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? If I was given an option to choose a preferable place of abode, it should always be my home. Owing to the transferable job of my husband we had to change the place of our living, several times. In each place I hadContinue reading “The Favorite Abode”

The Coolest One

What’s the coolest thing you’ve ever found (and kept)? Recently I have discovered one of the coolest thing I have done in life, and it’s gardening. Believe me it’s absolutely therapeutic and mood enhancer! For the past few months we have been living in our own house, with some patch of soil in the backyard,Continue reading “The Coolest One”

The eternal kid!

What does it mean to be a kid at heart? We must try to keep the kid in our hearts alive, long after we bid goodbye to our childhood. It’s quite therapeutic! You feel rejuvenated after long days toil if indulge in activities you liked very much as a kid. Two pieces of sugarcane aboutContinue reading “The eternal kid!”

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