The Beacon of Light

Who was your most influential teacher? Why? In this era where the so-called social media influencers are increasingly directing our lifestyle, it has become imperative to keep our counsel to our own self. Instead of getting swayed  by the  people, looking to further their own selfish agenda, we must look for the real teachers. TheContinue reading “The Beacon of Light”

The Ones Who Care.

Who are your favorite people to be around? People around whom I feel safe and relaxed are my favorite. It doesn’t require to spend the time, holding hands or exchanging sweet nothing, only the warmth of the presence of your dear ones is sufficient to keep you happy and contented. They are none other thanContinue reading “The Ones Who Care.”

The Harbinger of Spring

Cover Art: of Goddess Saraswati by Riya Mukherjee Today, on the eve of Basant Panchami, in which we celebrate the arrival of spring and worship Goddess Saraswati, the deity of knowledge and music. A prayer chant to Her- Asato ma sadgamaya, tamaso ma jyotirgamaya, mrityorma amritam gamaya. Om shanti. It means – O mother! LeadContinue reading “The Harbinger of Spring”

As placid as Pacific!

You get some great, amazingly fantastic news. What’s the first thing you do?   The ripples are generally more in a shallow sea than the placid Pacific Ocean. Whatever upheaval it has to face, like Pacific Ring of Fire, gets assimilated before coming to the surface. It should be so with us mortals, too. But doContinue reading “As placid as Pacific!”

The Trial and the Miracle

What is the greatest gift someone could give you? Sometimes you receive a gift you just can’t put a price upon. As a matter of fact for parents, children are the greatest gift of God. In my case it’s something more than that. To tell you the truth I got married when I was justContinue reading “The Trial and the Miracle”

The Never- ending Procession

Hello friends,  I wish a very happy Navaratri to all the Hindus. Today is the first day of the worshipping of Goddess Durga, the Supreme symbol of women empowerment.  She was brought into being to kill the demons, Mahisasura, Chanda, Munda, Sumbha, Nisumbha and so on. The victory of good over pure evil. These areContinue reading “The Never- ending Procession”

Home is where the heart is.

Hello friends, hope you all are well and getting along fine with your respective lives. As you might have read my latest post which deals with marriage and family, I thought it better to reblog my earlier post which deals with the safety net of a family and a home. These two are our basicContinue reading “Home is where the heart is.”

Chasing The Shadows

Beware lest you lose the substance by grasping at the shadow–Aesop Hello friends, Getting into the profession of a teacher I have to interact with so many people. In the process, so many newer dimensions of human relationships are unfolding before me. One thing I particularly observed is the fickleness and  impermanence of a strongContinue reading “Chasing The Shadows”

Showing the Way

Give light and people will find their way – Ella  Baker Hello friends, in one lifetime if you can give proper direction to at least one diverted soul and help him or her to find the right way to their destination, then you can rest assured that you have done your job well as aContinue reading “Showing the Way”

The Greatest Validation

What is it this invisible thing that heals all sorrows, reveals all lies and renews all hope? What is it that has always will be, from whose bosom we all came and to which we will all return? Most call it Time. A few realise that it is God.  –  Robert Brault. Hello friends, hopeContinue reading “The Greatest Validation”

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