The Trial and the Miracle

What is the greatest gift someone could give you? Sometimes you receive a gift you just can’t put a price upon. As a matter of fact for parents, children are the greatest gift of God. In my case it’s something more than that. To tell you the truth I got married when I was justContinue reading “The Trial and the Miracle”

Morning Shows the Day or….

Painting courtesy: Riya, a birthday gift to me. Hello friends, we all have heard that morning shows the day but it was proved literally wrong in my case. Today when I got up in the morning about 7.45 am (it was the weekend afterall), there was no sign of bright sun trickling in. I apprehensivelyContinue reading “Morning Shows the Day or….”

To Search for a Mirage!

Cover photo painted by my daughter, Riya “When we are able to stop we can pay attention to everything that is happening in our bodies and in our minds; this way we can begin to take care of ourselves. We already have enough conditions for our happiness. We just need to stop and recognise themContinue reading “To Search for a Mirage!”

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